Photographing for the soul

Photo courses - Comments -


Taking pictures is good for the soul, I find it helps to combat stress and certainly makes us discover the world around us from a different perspective. Nowadays we are inundated with images, social networks offer platforms where you can compare yourself with others and see great shots. However, the magic of the shot vanishes when the search for as many likes as possible takes over. Photographing for your own pleasure and well-being is something else. It is a never-ending quest that leads us to a very personal evolution, both of the images we want to propose and of what we want to tell - but also and inextricably of a personal growth and awareness. Our passions, our desires, our dreams, our 'I', shape the photographer in us. If you look at photos taken of the same subject at the same time by different people, you will see different shots! Our psychological sphere is deeply connected to the photography we take. I have always liked to photograph 'my emotions', preferring images that give positivity: in fact, I do not like to portray what I consider 'ugly'. In the world around me I always look for beauty, delicacy, joyful colours, sinuous shapes ... I am optimistic by nature and I love life ... without wanting to bring it back in my shots. I started to take pictures in analogue mode, preferring to shoot in manual mode and process them in the darkroom. When I started shooting digitally, I only shot in jpg format with minimal processing. Almost immediately, however, I switched to raw format, where I can be more creative and process colours better in post production, thus being able to express my emotions not only during the shoot, but also in post processing: a sort of artistic research of the shot. The subjects of our photographs have a connection with us and speak about our being. With photography we give messages of our inner self. When we take photographs, we become aware of everything that is around us and consequently also of what is inside us, because the image never shows reality, but is the result of what the photographer has seen and wanted to reproduce. With photography we choose what we want to say. These reflections led to the idea of proposing a special photography course, photographic walks to "nourish the soul". The course will be held in groups of a maximum of 4 participants or, for those who wish, individually. The duration of the course may vary depending on the needs of the participants and will be organised on request.

If you would like to know more about this course, please write to me using the form under CONTACT, choosing the option COURSE "PHOTOGRAPHY TO NUTRIATE THE SOUL".

I am waiting for you :)

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